Bible Gateway Old/New Testament Plan for One Year.  It’s not to late to join us! We began with a group of 15 who read from the Bible each day as we grow spiritually. You can read your own Bible or you can use an online option at . You can use any version of the Bible you are comfortable with, the congregation uses the NRSV (New Revised Standard Version). If you need a bible, one can be provided to you.

We meet as a group on the 2nd & 4th Sundays after church for half an hour in the conference room to discuss our readings, ask questions, review commentaries, and most importantly to share how this spiritual practice is impacting your daily life. We will also encourage asking questions throughout the daily reading and will try to create an email “group” for those interested as well.

The readings for each month are available at church in Pilgrim Hall.  These readings will come from both the Old and New Testaments.

Any questions, contact Liz Yoho at