Prayer Shawl Ministry
This team of knitters and crotchet-ers makes soft cozy shawls with the hugs and prayers knitted right in. They meet once a month; needles, yarn and instruction are free for the asking. And yes, it is perfectly okay to bring your needlework to Sunday services! Prayer shawls are given freely with much love to those seeking comfort, solace and a gentle reminder that God’s love surrounds each one of us. Sue St. Hilaire and Dot Bass are happy to welcome you into this group. To learn more about the history of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, click here.
Women’s Church Club
This club, organized in 1912, manages our Thrift Shop, which is located downstairs in the church and open every first and third Saturday of each month. They also oversee clothing donations to the St. Pauly Textile Charity, the VFW, and local winter apparel distribution points. Clean, gently used clothing and stuffed animals are accepted year-round; place items in the St. Pauly Textile shed in the church parking lot. Donations are tax-deductible and receipts are posted on the shed. Contact Dottie Norman if you are interested in working at the Thrift Shop or help with clothing distribution.
Compassionate Connections
Compassionate Connections, our caregiving ministry, is an extension of the compassionate spirit that has been part of this church for many years. We are people within our community who have lifted up our gifts of caring to God in order to share Jesus’ love.
Through this ministry we hope to participate in meaningful communication in order to insure our growth in our level of caring for one another. Our gifts of Caring include making calls, providing meals, sending cards and offering prayer. We ask participants in this ministry to renew their commitment each year by filling out a new Compassionate Connections card and returning it to the church office or to Pastor Liz. Click below to get started!